The Dark Shadow Shrine

embrace the darkness; that you may see the light nestled within it......

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

'Allah' issue vs Tudung issue

Pertaining to previous post on the 'Allah' issue in Malaysia, Singapore has our parallel too, the  tudung issue. The seemingly innocuous issue on the tudung can be potentially divisive, which the govt is treading carefully. In a mutli-cultural, mutli-religious society, impartiality is important so as not to make any groups feel slighted or marginalized.
Other than the parallel to the Malaysian issue, the tudung issue can also be used on qns about image. Think of the adage 'You are what you wear'; we need to be sensitive about the message that our attire may convey and its resultant effects.

In the adjoining article on expats, note the useful rebuttal to the argument that foreign workers compete with locals for jobs. Instead of competing, they actually help create jobs for locals, not to mention that some of the jobs won't come to the locals even if the foreigners are sent home, as the locals simply do not have the skills for these jobs.

Sample Qn:
In the world of today, image is everything.