The Dark Shadow Shrine

embrace the darkness; that you may see the light nestled within it......

Monday, February 13, 2017

Nostalgia: That warm, fuzzy, hairy feeling

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1) a good point raised about nostalgia -- how we selectively remembers only the good stuff and conveniently blocked out the bad ones when we refer to 'the good old days'....'the warts and all' is flung out of the window, retaining only the nice bits when nostalgia is in operation...

2) a good example when discussing nostalgia -- the old National Library building opposite SMU, demolished to make way for a tunnel for vehicles......

3) nostalgia can be explouted for political gains: Brexti's claim to restore the glory and sovereignty of the British empire...highly seductive at a time when the current British are tired of having to kowtow, seek approval and make concessions to the EU; Trump's election rallying call to 'make America great again' is an obvious exploitation of nostalgia to stoke the people's emotions....

Qn: Assess the view that traditional buildings have no future in your society. (cam. 2016)